Guides for carnivores, wild ruminants and wild boar density and abundance estimation
A trilogy of guidelines on estimation of wild mammals population abundance and density for its application in Europe has been published by ENETWILD project funded by EFSA These guidelines include recommendations for selecting methods to estimate abundance or density and its implementations for ungulate, carnivore and wild boar populations are provided. Methods for generating a […]
Guidance to estimate wild boar density
Recently, ENETWILD released a practical guidance to estimate wild boar population, relative abundance and density. The guidance is based on literature review as well as previous experiences from ENETWILD partners and external experts. DOWNLOAD COMPLETE GUIDANCE The general aim of this guidance was to review the accuracy and comparability of methods to estimate relative abundance […]
Wild Boar Data Model Tutorials
How to download WBDM forms The WBDM Structure WBDM for Data Occurrence WBDM for Hunting Bags WBDM for Density records
A questionnaire about how wild boar hunting statistics are recorded
Descargar Cuestionario Questionnaire Download A questionnaire to collect and sharing data about how wild boar distribution and abundance in Europe is recorded The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) aims at using wildlife abundance data obtained from the European continent for the analysis of the risk factors related to pathogens transmissible to humans and livestock. Currently, […]
Workshop 2: Practical methods to estimate wild boar abundance
1. How harmonizing practical abundance estimation methods 2. What kind of data can be converted to develop wild boar abundance estimates 1. How harmonizing practical abundance estimation methods Harmonization aims at improving comparability among data collected. To identify which methods are used and rank them in order of how reliable they are. Identify which the […]