Conclusions Iberian ENETWILD Webinar

Conclusions of Iberian ENETWILD Webinar Progress of the ENETWILD project: Need for harmonization in the collection of wildlife demographic data This webinar provided the participants of Iberia with a better understanding of the ENETWILD project; There is a need to implement harmonized and standardized data collection on wild boar distribution, abundance and density, with […]

Webinar SW region 16-Julio (Spanish)

Avance del proyecto ENETWILD: Necesidades de armonización en la recogida de datos demográficos de la fauna silvestre Progresso do projecto ENETWILD: Necessidade de harmonização na recolha de dados demográficos sobre a vida selvagem 16 de julio 2019 -12:30 a 13:30 Seminario online Quiero inscribirme DESCRIPCIÓN: El enlace para acceder al seminario web se mandará por […]

How hunting statistics are collected in Europe?

The organisation and collection of wildlife hunting statistics and their analysis is essential not only for hunting management but also for developing wildlife policies. On a large spatial scale hunting data statistic are available and, potentially, comparable across Europe for use in the predictive spatial modelling of wild boar abundance. But the procedures, methods and […]

Wild Birds on ENETWILD focus

The ENETWILD Consortium, coordinates numerous leading European institutions in the ecology and epidemiology of European wildlife ( Its main objective is to collect information on the geographical distribution and abundance of populations of wild species relevant to infectious diseases that also represent a risk to the health of domestic species and human. Avian influenza is […]