As the project unfolds, ENETWILD envisions a future where coordinated efforts and data sharing lead to enhanced wildlife population understanding, benefiting both health surveillance and conservation initiatives across Europe.
WP.1. Project management
Setting up the roadmap for executing the ambitious goals of our project, by guiding the efforts of the Consortium and facilitating an effective management of resources.
Coordinator 1: Ezio Ferroglio
Coordinator 2: Stefania Zanet
Word cloud analysis of key expertise of the Consortium ENETWILD 2.0 within the research macro area of Wildlife Population Ecology. The size of each word refers to the relative frequency of the expertise within the consortium.
WP.2. Data collection
Collecting and storing through improved harmonized and automated IT tools existing data on wildlife species, wildlife health status and environmental factors across Europe. An harmonized system for collecting wildlife-related data will be our most remarkable legacy.
Coordinator 1: Joaquin Vicente
Coordinator 2: Tomasz Podgórski
WP.3. Data generation
Creating a network of observation points, able to provide independent and harmonized data on wildlife populations’ distribution and abundance and on wildlife health
Coordinator 1: Massimo Scandura
Coordinator 2: Paulo Alves
Word cloud analysis of key expertise of the Consortium ENETWILD 2.0 within the research macro area of Animal Health. The size of each word refers to the relative frequency of the expertise within the consortium.
WP.4. Data analysis and
Model development to infer from collected or newly generated data sound information on holistic One Health approach to wildlife health related issues.
Coordinator 1: Graham Smith
Coordinator 2: Jolianne Rijks
WP.5. Networking and sustainability of
integrated surveillance
Creating a permanent and self-sustainable corpus of stakeholders fostering integrated wildlife health surveillance
Coordinator 1: Dolores Gavier-Widen
Coordinator 2: Pikka Jokelainen
Word cloud analysis of key expertise of the Consortium ENETWILD 2.0 within the research macro area of Zoonosis and Human Health. The size of each word refers to the relative frequency of the expertise within the consortium.
WP.6. Ad-hoc scientific advice and emergency
Coordinating rapid response of the consortium in case of emerging threats on wildlife related-health topics and coordinating activities to produce scientifically based responses
Coordinator 1: Oliver Keuling
Coordinator 2: Jose Antonio Blanco Aguiar
WP.7. Communication
Coordinating communication efforts toward stakeholders (from legislators to citizen science actions)