Conclusions Iberian ENETWILD Webinar

Conclusions Iberian ENETWILD Webinar

Conclusions of Iberian ENETWILD Webinar

Progress of the ENETWILD project: Need for harmonization in the collection of wildlife demographic data

  • This webinar provided the participants of Iberia with a better understanding of the ENETWILD project;
  • There is a need to implement harmonized and standardized data collection on wild boar distribution, abundance and density, with the specificities of the Iberian Peninsula, for which data standards proposed by ENETWILD are an important step
  • The data model, which at a first glance can be complex to fill, is sufficiently flexible to adapt to different types of data with low effort
  • New species (other ungulates and carnivores) are being covered, and novel approaches by a parallel project (citizen science) will be implemented (which was welcome by participants)
  • Improved preparedness for and responsiveness to the spread of ASF, as well as better management of wild boar populations in South Western Europe;
  • Wild boar abundance and density estimates available in Iberia are unreliable because most of them are not based on scientific methods; which was confirmed by participants;
  • Participants understood that for using hunting bag statistics to determine wild boar abundance and density, it is necessary to collect information on hunting effort and efficiency during collective drive hunts, including number of hunters, beaters and dogs, size of area beaten with shapefile (if available) and number of wild boars sighed and hunted. This should be harmonized across regions;
  • There was a great interest of participants to implement camera trap method (following our protocol) for determining wild boar abundance and density as independent reliable method to calibrate other more abundant and available sources of data, such as hunting statistics;
  • Several participants declared their willingness to participate in the project and pilot studies to calibrate density estimation methods;
  • This modality of event to disseminate projects are also useful for networking, connecting people with similar interests who can continue to communicate and collaborate after the webinar was over, and willing to receive more information, and even training;
  • After the webinar, we asked to all participants “would you be interested in participating in other online seminars organized by the consortium?” and we received 95 percent positive response (57/60). This confirm our expectations that webinars can be of great value to disseminate our project.
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