Wildlife disease surveillance in Europe?

Are we ready for harmonised integrated surveillance of wildlife diseases in Europe? The ENETWILD project (www.enetwild.com) held the online workshop (1st-2nd March 2022) entitled “Harmonized and integrated wildlife disease surveillance across Europe: experts’ analysis and future perspectives”.  National veterinary office chiefs, sub-national (Regional/Local) veterinary authorities, reference labs or hunting, agricultural, wildlife and environmental authorities participated […]


Días: 10 y 11 de marzo de 2022Modalidad: virtual (plataforma Zoom)Sede virtual: Centro Universitario Regional del Este (UdelaR), Rocha, UruguayOrganiza: Grupo proJAB (UdelaR) PROGRAMA JUEVES 10 DE MARZOMañanaModerador: Dr. Luis Lecuona (USDA, Estados Unidos).9:00-9:15. Bienvenida y apertura a cargo del Grupo proJAB de UDELAR.9:15-10:15. Conferencia de apertura.“Monitorización sanitaria y poblacional de la fauna silvestre”Dr. Joaquín […]

International Symposium on Wild Boar and Other Suids

6-9 September 2022 – Seva, Barcelona The International Symposium on Wild Boar and Other Suids will take place in Montanyà Hotel & Lodge, Montseny Biosphere Reserve (Catalonia, Spain). The Symposium will include thematic sessions covering wild boar biology and eco-ethology as well as management practice, population control strategies and damage mitigation methods. Other Suids from […]