The European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW)

Join a network of “observation points” with common wildlife population estimation protocols and data collection standards to facilitate harmonization and interoperability over Europe The importance of wildlife monitoring for management at European scale Europe represents an enormous socio-political and natural diversity where wildlife management is not only confined to reserves and does not only deal […]
The European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW)
Join a network of “observation points” with common wildlife population estimation protocols and data collection standards to facilitate harmonization and interoperability over Europe The importance of wildlife monitoring for management at European scale Europe represents an enormous socio-political and natural diversity where wildlife management is not only confined to reserves and does not only deal […]
Nature awakens!

When we think of the first heralds of spring, we usually first think of spring blooms thatbegin to emerge under the snow cover at this time of year, but this year one of the heraldsof spring appeared while the snow was still present. It is a brown bear (Ursus arctos L.) thatlives in the territory […]
Easy steps to start using iMammalia

Looking for the wild boar

Simple methods for a challenging task It is not anymore necessary to be a wildlife expert, always out and about in nature, to see it: it is frequent, everywhere, and now, even in city centres. It is the wild boar (Sus scrofa), one of the most widespread ungulates in Europe. Although we are all aware […]
Tips for tracking and detecting wild boar

The African Swine Fever epidemic spread across in much of Europe, and has affected both wild boar and domestic pigs. This disease is one of the most complex and most important of those affecting pigs whose presence has important socio-economic repercussions for the countries that suffer from it. That is why, EFSA (European Food Safety […]
Humans stuck, wild boars out!

To contain the spread of the new virus, many countries around the world instituted lockdowns or strict restrictions of people’s mobility outside their residences. Lockdowns contributed to an improvement in the quality of air, cleaner rivers, less noise pollution, undisturbed natural habitats, and calmer wildlife, determining an effect defined “Anthropause” or “the Great Pause.” The […]
Winter is coming! How are mammals preparing for winter time?

Winter is coming! The weather is getting colder, tree leaves are changing their colors, temperatures drop down and soon it will be snowing. Days are shorter, nights longer and food resources are running low. All of these weather and environmental changes cause also modifications in organisms of mammals. The physiological responses are triggered, so animals […]
Do you want to win a camera trap for wildlife recording?

We have launched two new competitions in the Mammalnet project. The winners can win a photo-trapping camera. Recently, we announced the winner of the first iMammalia competition. Marek Beblot was the lucky winner who has won a trapping camera. Competition with iMammalia. Following the same protocol of the previous edition of the contest we will […]
Invasive species in Europe

An introduced, known also as alien or non-native species, is a species which lives outside its native distributional range, where it arrived thanks to human activity – directly or indirectly, deliberately or accidentally. These which spread aggressively and have a substantial negative effect on a local ecosystem are classified as invasive species. If introduced species […]