Iniciativa europea para avanzar en el seguimiento armonizado de las especies silvestres

El IREC coordina la iniciativa europea para avanzar en el seguimiento armonizado de las especies silvestres El Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC) organizó un taller con la participación de expertos internacionales sobre seguimiento de fauna silvestre como base para la toma de decisiones coordinadas en Europa. A través de ENETWILD (, la Autoridad […]

Instrucciones para la colocación de cámaras de fototrampeo para cálculo de densidad de jabalí

Instrucciones para la colocación de cámaras de fototrampeo para cálculo de densidad de jabalí Descargar pdf-ES Download pdf-EN Esta sección presenta instrucciones básicas para estimar la densidad del jabalí mediante el uso de cámaras de fototrampeo (CT). Dado que hay diferentes métodos disponibles, nos centraremos en uno práctico que sea capaz de generar datos confiables […]

Guides for carnivores, wild ruminants and wild boar density and abundance estimation

A trilogy of guidelines on estimation of wild mammals population abundance and density for its application in Europe has been published by ENETWILD project funded by EFSA These guidelines include recommendations for selecting methods to estimate abundance or density and its implementations for ungulate, carnivore and wild boar populations are provided.  Methods for generating a […]

ENETWILD Camera trap Course

Camera trapping for monitoring wildlife and density estimation ​course 2020 September Training Course The ENETWILD Project ( initiated its way about 3 years ago. By then, the harmonized use of comparable (standardized) data on the distribution and abundance of wildlife in Europe, particularly mammals, was hardly possible. ENETWILD approach, as a pioneer pilot initiative, has […]

Conclusions Iberian ENETWILD Webinar

Conclusions of Iberian ENETWILD Webinar Progress of the ENETWILD project: Need for harmonization in the collection of wildlife demographic data This webinar provided the participants of Iberia with a better understanding of the ENETWILD project; There is a need to implement harmonized and standardized data collection on wild boar distribution, abundance and density, with […]

Webinar SW region 16-Julio (Spanish)

Avance del proyecto ENETWILD: Necesidades de armonización en la recogida de datos demográficos de la fauna silvestre Progresso do projecto ENETWILD: Necessidade de harmonização na recolha de dados demográficos sobre a vida selvagem 16 de julio 2019 -12:30 a 13:30 Seminario online Quiero inscribirme DESCRIPCIÓN: El enlace para acceder al seminario web se mandará por […]

ENETWILD Workshop at IUGB 34th Conference

The IUGB (International Union of Game Biologists) is an international non-profit organisation whose aims are to promote the improvement of knowledge about game biology and any other skill related to wildlife, such as wise use of animal populations and the conservation of their habitats. IUGB is also a platform that allows networking between its Members. […]

How hunting statistics are collected in Europe?

The organisation and collection of wildlife hunting statistics and their analysis is essential not only for hunting management but also for developing wildlife policies. On a large spatial scale hunting data statistic are available and, potentially, comparable across Europe for use in the predictive spatial modelling of wild boar abundance. But the procedures, methods and […]

Experts against the proposal to depopulate Wild Boar in Poland

Collected more than 1000 signatures of experts against the government measure The scientific data and recommendations suggest a complex and adaptive strategy to combat ASF, assuming variable intensity of methods for managing wild boar populations depending on the disease epidemic phase in a given area and the distance from the infected area. However, the strategy […]