Advances with MammalWeb app

Advances with MammalWeb app

During 2020 a series of improvements have been made in MammalWeb app that allows to improve the experience of the participants.

More than 50,000 sequences have been uploaded to the MammalNet project on MammalWeb app from different regions of Europe, such as Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Ireland. Many of them are waiting to be identified by you.

It is now possible to upload and classify both images and videos from photo-trapping cameras, and, since many have audio, you can listen nature in action.

MammalWeb has created a module with maps where you can explore which species are being located and photographed in different areas of Europe.

MammalWeb has created a module with maps where you can explore which species are being located and photographed in different areas of Europe.

We have created validation quizzes to allow you to train and demonstrate your level of knowledge.  Now, you have tests for British mammals, European mammals, UK birds and other tests to  differentiate between domestic, hybrid and wild cats. Are you ready?

Remember that in addition to mammals you can also contribute by helping to classify the birds that appear in camera trap images. If a bird appears that you don’t know or only want to help with the mammals, you can indicate that you have only seen one bird in the picture. With a good European bird guide it can be a great opportunity to introduce yourself to ornithology.

We have connected the iMammalia and MammalWeb applications.  Now the validation quizzes on Mammalweb will allow iMammalia verifiers to have an indication of the level of knowledge you have on the different species groups.

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