A questionnaire about how wild boar hunting statistics are recorded

A questionnaire about how wild boar hunting statistics are recorded

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A questionnaire to collect and sharing data about how wild boar distribution and abundance in Europe is recorded

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) aims at using wildlife abundance data obtained from the European continent for the analysis of the risk factors related to pathogens transmissible to humans and livestock.

Currently, the Consortium ENETWILD is focusing on the collection of wild boar abundance and occurrence data for the analysis of the risk factors of African Swine Fever (ASF) spread, and for the assessment of effectiveness of wild boar management measures in the affected areas.

Moreover, EFSA is in need to analyse the situation more in details and to assess the risks of ASF introduction and spread to neighbouring countries. A normalized model to collect data on wild boar distribution and abundance data; and its evolution in the ASF affected countries and in the countries at risk could facilitate epidemiological analysis and risk assessment. Currently, he ultimate aim of ENETWILD is to produce a reliable source of wild boar population data collected in a harmonized way and regularly updated. The wild boar population density in Europe (the number of animals per area unit of suitable habitats) has to be estimated across European countries as close as possible to the true values of wild boar abundance. It will be done on the basis of: (i) distribution (georeferenced) data, (ii) density, and (iii) hunting bag data compiled from different sources and at different habitat, management (e. g. hunting ground) and administrative unit levels. Hunting statistics are the most important source of potentially comparable data on wild boar abundance across Europe.

We aim collecting wild boar hunting statistics with the intention of producing a reliable source of harmonized and comparable population data at high spatial resolution.

The strategy to collect data on wild boar abundance in the short term is as follows:

  1. Identifying and describing the sources of wild boar hunting data through European Countries, which should be aggregated at (the lowest) known spatial scale to make them comparable across countries.
  2. Adopting a wild boar Distribution and Abundance Data Collection Model to collect available data sets that can be useful to model distribution and abundance information across Europe. The Data Collection Model is intended to be distributed next April 2018 to stakeholders and potential data providers, representing all European Countries.

We will focus on step I during next February and March 2018. To address step I, the attached questionnaire aims at identifying and describing the sources of wild boar hunting data through European Countries, which should be aggregated at (the lowest) known spatial scale (ranging optimally from hunting ground/management unit to Municipality/District level) to made them comparable across countries.

The difficulty of obtaining information not only on a national scale, but also regional, has been exacerbated by the complexity of hunting due to the different types of hunting, the large amount of species involved and the heterogeneity in hunting grounds and management practices. The collection of hunting statistics presents important shortcomings across Europe, many of them specific to each case. In general, the problems associated are:

  • Hunting data available in the official statistics are often incomplete, dispersed and heterogeneous. Therefore hunting statistics must be used with caution, and we must adopt a critical position in their interpretation and use.
  • Qualitative changes in the definitions of important concepts and variables collected across countries, regions and time.
  • The lack of harmonised procedures for calculation of statistics, data sources, sampling, collection of data, control and revision.

The questionnaire reflects three major pillars underpinning hunting activity and data collection systems:

  • Hunters
  • Hunting grounds
  • Game animals

The questionnaire is presented in excel format, and subdivided into 5 sheets:

  1. General
  2. Hunting ground
  3. Game animals
  4. Hunters
  5. Wild boar carcasses

Within each sheet, the questions are organized in sections (repeated blocks of questions), which refer to a specific Country or region. Interviewees can copy below as many blocks of questions as needed for different regions or provinces since the hunting collection systems may vary among them. Different data providers (organizations, Institutions) may be responsible of different data (e.g. food safety authorities, agriculture and/or wildlife Departments, etc.), and this is why the questionnaire was divided into different sections (different sheet of the attached excel file). It is not compulsory filling all sections, but those you have info about.

A reference terminology for administrative divisions is provided in a separate sheet name “NUTS Europe”. NUTS2 and NUTS3 refer to the coding system of administrative units in use by EUROSTAT (see http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/national-structures-eu).

For each question, the column “Field description” details what exactly what we are asking. The column “Values” indicates the nature of the response (text, number, closed responses according to pre-defined categories, etc.). You must enter your response in the column “Response”. It is not compulsory filling all fields, but those you have info about.

The time span of interest to the project is for hunting data collection frameworks active from 2013/2014 hunting season to now.

The questionnaire is available in English. We appreciate if you can help with interviewees using other languages.

Please, fill yourself this questionnaire or provide it to your contacts that (i) have knowledge about the hunting statistics data collection frameworks of your respective Country and/or regions (several contacts if needed, e.g. for different regions) or (ii) are responsible or participants of these frameworks.

We wish this common network of wild boar population and health professionals will improve communication and collaboration between experts and organizations, and will contribute to improve preparedness and responsiveness for wild boar related concerns.

The questionnaire must be submitted to: project.enetwild [at] uclm.es

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