Annual General meeting 2018

To encourage data sharing, a network will be established with the key stakeholders, those invited as participants, and their respective networks. This common network of wild boar population and health professionals will improve communication and collaboration between experts and organizations, and will contribute to improve preparedness and responsiveness for wildlife diseases disseminated by this species in Europe, such as Africa Swine Fever (ASF).

Participants will learn about the objectives of ENETWILD. They will review current data collection practices and data validation rules, and assess methodologies for estimating the abundance and distribution of wild boar. By the end of the meeting they should have a clear view of what to do, what for, how to do it, milestones and deliverables.

The objectives of the meeting

The overall objective of this meeting is to present the ENETWILD project objectives and tasks, to present the ENETWILD consortium and its functioning, to review the approach to data collection protocols and validation rules for wild boar and to define tasks for the near future.

The specific objectives of this meeting are as follows:

to present the objectives and strategic planning of the ENETWILD project, including the envisaged milestones and achievements;
to review on the current methods for wild boar population data collection and the need of harmonization;
to review on the current methods on determining and modelling the geographical distribution and abundance of wild boar in Europe;
to review the validation and quality assessment criteria used in the data collection tool;
to present the overall strategy of ENETWILD for wild boar data collection and sharing;
to assess possible methodologies for wild boar abundance mapping; and to review the network members’ contributions and data sharing;
to strengthen the links and collaborations between wildlife ecology and health within the One Health approach;
to establish effective network of data providers (stakeholders); the data sharing conditions, deadlines, and explain the data collection framework (DCF);
to agree on the template (data model) for the DCF.

Expected outcomes

The expected outcome of this meeting is a clear understanding for the participants of the ENETWILD project and their role, data collection model and its parameters, data submission procedures and outputs. Further, the meeting will provide:
user input on the future data collection tool for geographic distribution of wild boar in Europe;
user input in our approach to wild boar population data validation and quality assessment criteria;
expert input in harmonized collection methods that will be promoted by the project;
inputs to enhance the network for data collection and sharing;
a report with the outcomes of the meeting;
agreed data collection model for the DCF (taking into consideration data availability, including obligatory variables and minimum spatial resolution);
field protocols to estimate wild boar abundance.


This meeting will include up to 70 experts, ecologists, public and animal health experts and representatives from national authorities from Europe and Countries around with an emphasis on a good mix between people from different expertise, research areas and Institutions.

Detailed Program of the AGM for invited participants

Tuesday 16 January 2018–PM

14:00 – 15:00 Registration participants
ENETWILD introductory session
15:00 – 15:20 Welcome address. EFSA’s mission statement and involvement in ENETWILD
Nikolaus Kriz / Alessandro Broglia / ENETWILD Project coordination

15:20 – 15:50 Presentation of the organisation and coordination of ENETWILD: overview and strategic plan. The wild boar focus. Organization of the AGM (workshops).
Joaquín Vicente / Ramón Soriguer

15:50 – 16:20 EWDA Wildlife Health Surveillance Network: Wildlife population heath surveillance in Europe
Marie Pierre Ryser / Thijs Kuiken

16:20 – 16:50 Coffee Break
16:50 – 17:20 Integrating wildlife population and health surveillance
Christian Gortázar / Ezio Ferroglio

17:20 – 17:50 Wildlife population distribution and abundance: importance of population abundance data for risk assessment
Graham Smith / Pelayo Acevedo

17:50 – 18:20 Africa swine fever (ASF) and wild boar in Europe. Wild boar-domestic pig interaction
Dolores Gavier / José Francisco Ruiz-Fons

18:20 – 18:50 Wild boar management and concerns in Europe
Tomasz Podgorsky

Free Evening in Parma
Wednesday 17 January 2018
08:30 – 08:50 Standards for data collection on wildlife distribution and abundance
Guillaume Body

8:50 – 9:20 Population dynamics and trends (distribution, abundance) of wild boar across Europe. Available data, including harvest data. Harvest data utility?
Marco Apollonio

9:20 – 09:50 Coffee Break
09:50 – 10:50 Working group session on wild boar abundance data. Where are data? What standards have been applied to collect data? What kind of data is usable for distribution maps (e. g. hunting data)?
Chair: Group leaders

10:50 – 11:20 Concluding discussions/inputs on the working group
Chair: Marco Apollonio / Guillaume Body

11:20 – 11:40 Need for abundance data: Methods to estimate wild boar population abundance
Oliver Keuling

11:40 – 12:30 Working group session on field protocols to estimate wild boar abundance
Task co-leaders

12:30 – 13:00 Concluding discussions/inputs on the working groups
Chair: Oliver Keuling / Marco Apollonio

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 -14:30 The program of monitoring feral pig distribution and abundance in the USA
Kurt Vercauteren

14:30 – 14:50 How EFSA Data Collection Framework (DCF) works?
Jane Richardson (EFSA)

14:50 – 15:10 The ENETWILD Data Collection Model (DCM) and Data Sharing Agreement for wild boar: a proposal. Massimo Scandura
15:10 – 16:00 Working group session: the data model to be used for wild boar data collection
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 16:50 Concluding discussions/inputs on the working group
Chair: Massimo Scandura / Tomasz Podgorsky

16:50 – 17:05 How and why to become an ENETWILD collaborator?
Joaquín Vicente

17:05 – 17:40 Round Table discussion: “The added value to become an ENETWILD collaborator” What do you expect from ENETWILD as data provider?
Task leaders & EFSA & Advisory Committee

17:40 – 17:50 Concluding discussions
Chair: Joaquín Vicente / Ezio Ferroglio

17:50 End
19:30 Dinner
Thursday 18 January 2017 AM
08:30 – 09:30 Round Table discussion: “The focus of the future: collecting and validating data (also for other species)”
Task leaders & EFSA & Advisory Committee

9:30 – 09:40 Concluding discussions/inputs on the working groups
Graham Smith / Beatriz Martinez

09:40 – 10:10 Coffee Break
10:10 – 11:00 Wrap-up, how to move forward, and Concluding discussions
11:00 End of the meeting

Alessandro Broglia – European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Risk Assessment Department, Animal Health and Welfare (ALPHA) Unit

Nikolaus Kriz – EFSA, ALPHA Unit

Joaquín Vicente – National Institute on Game Research, IREC (UCLM-CSIC-JCCM), Spain

Ramón Soriguer – National Institute on Game Research, IREC (UCLM-CSIC-JCCM); EBD, Spain

Marie Pierre Ryser – University of Bern, Switzerland

Thijs Kuiken – Erasmus Medical Center, EMC, University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Christian Gortázar – National Institute on Game Research, IREC (UCLM-CSIC-JCCM), Spain

Ezio Ferroglio – University of Torino, UNITO, Italy

Graham Smith – Animal and Plant Health Agency, APHA, U.K

Pelayo Acevedo – National Institute on Game Research, IREC (UCLM-CSIC-JCCM), Spain

Dolores Gavier – National Veterinary Institute, SVA, Sweden

José Francisco Ruíz Fons – National Institute on Game Research, IREC (UCLM-CSIC-JCCM), Spain

Tomasz Podgorski – Mammal Research Institute Bialowieza, MRI, Poland

Guillaume Body – Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage, ONCFS, France

Marco Apollonio – University of Sassari, UNISS, Italy

Oliver Keuling – Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, ITAW, Germany

Kurt Vercauteren – United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA APHIS, U.S.A

Jane Richardson – EFSA DATA Unit

Massimo Scandura – University of Sassari, UNISS, Italy

Beatriz Martínez – Center for Animal Disease Modelling and Surveillance, CADMS (University of California, Davis), U.S.A

Christoph Staubach – Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Germany

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