Moving forward together on increasing our knowledge of European mammals

Progress of Mammalnet project during 2020 We all remember 2020 as a very difficult year due to the effects of this pandemic, which presented us with new challenges. But we believe we will also remember this year because it has allowed us to reassess the value of nature and biodiversity for our own survival and […]
Advances with iMammalia app

During the last year we have made some improvements in iMammalia app, and many others are planned to incorporate new mammal species and countries from other regions of Europe. So, hopelly, many more citizen scientists will contribute to improve the knowledge and conservation of European mammals. Sharing records at GBIF We have already shared almost […]
Advances with MammalWeb app

During 2020 a series of improvements have been made in MammalWeb app that allows to improve the experience of the participants. More than 50,000 sequences have been uploaded to the MammalNet project on MammalWeb app from different regions of Europe, such as Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Ireland. Many of them are waiting to […]