The European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW)

Join a network of “observation points” with common wildlife population estimation protocols and data collection standards to facilitate harmonization and interoperability over Europe The importance of wildlife monitoring for management at European scale Europe represents an enormous socio-political and natural diversity where wildlife management is not only confined to reserves and does not only deal […]
The European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW)
Join a network of “observation points” with common wildlife population estimation protocols and data collection standards to facilitate harmonization and interoperability over Europe The importance of wildlife monitoring for management at European scale Europe represents an enormous socio-political and natural diversity where wildlife management is not only confined to reserves and does not only deal […]
Nature awakens!

When we think of the first heralds of spring, we usually first think of spring blooms thatbegin to emerge under the snow cover at this time of year, but this year one of the heraldsof spring appeared while the snow was still present. It is a brown bear (Ursus arctos L.) thatlives in the territory […]
Easy steps to start using iMammalia

Winter is coming! How are mammals preparing for winter time?

Winter is coming! The weather is getting colder, tree leaves are changing their colors, temperatures drop down and soon it will be snowing. Days are shorter, nights longer and food resources are running low. All of these weather and environmental changes cause also modifications in organisms of mammals. The physiological responses are triggered, so animals […]
Invasive species in Europe

An introduced, known also as alien or non-native species, is a species which lives outside its native distributional range, where it arrived thanks to human activity – directly or indirectly, deliberately or accidentally. These which spread aggressively and have a substantial negative effect on a local ecosystem are classified as invasive species. If introduced species […]
iMammalia reaches new horizons thank to the support of European citizens

The friendly-use mobile app recently achieved 10,000 observations on wild mammals in a record period Since the implementation of MammalNet project ( in October 2019 (a project funded by EFSA), participating volunteers have registered observations of European mammal species all over the continent. The project was first stablished in 4 pilot Countries: Croatia, Germany, Poland, […]
Wildlife corridors: international highways for travelling animals

Spring is a time of increased activity among many animal species. The search for new territories, partners and attractive feeding places causes many individuals to start their migration. Deciding to step out of your “comfort zone” and cross the line between what is known and unknown can be a stressful moment in the life of […]
Wildlife in cities, more noticed than ever.

Collage image of a wolf next to a big city These days of confinement we are living due to the expansion of COVID-19, we have received some videos and images of wild animals. “They have taken the streets” we can read in various articles and posts on social networks. People, accustomed to the hustle and bustle […]
ENETWILD Workshop At IUGB 34th Conference

The IUGB (International Union of Game Biologists) is an international non-profit organisation whose aims are to promote the improvement of knowledge about game biology and any other skill related to wildlife, such as wise use of animal populations and the conservation of their habitats. IUGB is also a platform that allows networking between its Members. […]