Towards harmonised and integrated wildlife disease surveillance in Europe: approaches, opportunities and Citizen Science tools.

Through ENETWILD (www.enetwild.com), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) aims at improving the European capacities for monitoring wildlife, implementing international standards for data collection, validation and, finally, promote collaborative, open data networks to develop wildlife integrated monitoring. Among the aspects of this monitoring, there is the issue of wildlife health and diseases surveillance. Factors that govern the presence and spread of wildlife diseases and their impacts are not bound by national borders. Therefore, there is need to clearly and coordinately design surveillance objectives and approaches at international scale across Europe.

The general objective...

… of this cycle composed of 3 online webinars is to contribute to improve the European capacities for harmonised wildlife health and disease surveillance.

Firstly, we well provide an overview of the potential of Citizen Science for monitoring wildlife, and its applications to wildlife disease surveillance, such as early warning. This is of great relevance, for example, to develop prompt measures and prevent the spread of African Swine fever in wild boar in Europe.

Secondly, we will present the main recommendations recently elaborated by experts in relation to harmonised and integrated wildlife disease surveillance in Europe, and what the future perspectives are.

Finally, we will focus on approaches and opportunities for integrated wildlife monitoring in Europe, summarizing the recommmedatios provided by experts in realtion to harmonized European-wide wildlife. We will have the opportunity to present the newborn European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW, https://wildlifeobservatory.org/).

WEBINAR 1​: MAY 9TH // 10:30 – 11:30AM

MammalNet: an overview of the project achievements and next steps

ENETWILD cycle introduction

Joaquín Vicente (IREC)

WEBINAR 2: 23TH // 10:30 – 11:30AM

Harmonised and integrated wildlife disease surveillance in Europe: experts’ analysis.

WEBINAR 3: MAY 31ST // 10:30 – 11:30AM

Approaches and opportunities for integrated wildlife monitoring in Europe