Become a Collaborator
Collecting data on wild boar, ruminants and carnivores abundance across Europe
The Consortium ENETWILD (established through a framework contract funded by EFSA) is focusing on the collection of abundance and occurrence data for the analysis of the risk factors concerning diseases which affect wildlife or in which wildlife is involved in their epidemiological patterns. One of the key tools of Enetwild is a normalized wildlife data model (WLDM) which is used to collected data to populate a common database, which later will be validated and shared.
The WLDM is composed of a list of fields to be recorded, including data and metadata (which describe data and information carried by the data). The WLDM is intended to be filled by data providers, as we identified you potentially are, representing all European regions and countries. We also encourage you to distribute further to anyone else able to provide such kind of data.
ENETWILD defined the data requested in this model and their technical specifications to offer a common frame to insert them; i.e. what we call the STANDARDS. These standards are essential in order to harmonize the way similar data coming from different sources is recorded and will assure wildlife data are correctly collected, shared; and finally used. This is why the model may appear complex at a first glance, but the effort and dedication we require will be very worthwhile, in order to make the information comparable.
The data requested refer to (i) hunting statistics, (ii) density or (iii) occurrence, including absence data. As the same data can be used for more than one purpose (e.g. hunting statistics can be used to estimate occurrence data), for each type of data (if you manage more than one) we recommend reporting information at the highest possible detail and information level. Hunting statistics and density data, if correctly reported, can always be converted a posteriori into occurrence (presence/absence) data.
Absence data are also of particular importance in this project and should be reported, but must be associated with a sampling effort (e.g. abundance monitoring, hunting grounds without a certain species and catches).
The WLDM is accompanied by a Data Sharing Agreement (see links below), which must be signed by the data owner, in person or by a legal representative.
Become a collaborator
Download the files to fill in the Wild Boar Data Model
In order to be correctly filled, the spreadsheet files of data models should be downloaded (click >open online > download to your PC) don’t fill them online!
For any information please refer to